The Priest and the Sacrifice
Moses’ brother was Aaron, and God chose these two to lead the Jewish people out of Egypt. Aaron and his sons were chosen by God to be His priests. They were the only ones allowed to approach the inner room of the ‘temple’, the dwelling of the Presence of God. Aaron and his sons and relatives would present animal sacrifices for sin along with grain and wine offerings in the temple before the Lord each day and during special celebrations, like Passover.
The Passover was the most famous of the Jewish celebrations remembering the release of the Jewish people from their Egyptian captors. On the night before their release, a lamb was killed, and the blood was brushed on the door-frame of each of the Jewish houses. That night, the 'angel' of death came to kill all the people who were firstborn of each household but passed over each house that had the blood on the doorpost.
Centuries later, Jesus would be crucified on the day of preparation before the Passover. Tomorrow we will see how the Lamb of God – Who died so that death might pass over all who believe – would become the Priest Who would intercede for those who believe.
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