The Priest and the Sacrifice (for teens)


 Most religions have a mediator, one who stands between the people and God or gods. The mediator might be a priest or a monk who prays for people or blesses them or shows the way through teaching like a pastor or preacher. 

 Certainly, Christianity has teachers and priests and preachers, but we have only One Mediator, Jesus, and He has provided the way and directs us to go directly to God, the Father, through His forgiveness and obedience. 

 When Jesus rose from death on the third day, He said to Mary, 

‘I am ascending to My Father and your Father, 

to My God and your God.’  John 20:17

In Matthew 6, Jesus calls us to pray to ‘Our Father.’ In Galatians 4, God is called ‘Abba’ or ‘Daddy.’  Christianity is not simply a religion, but a relationship.


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