Old Meets New (the Covenants reviewed)


 God’s covenants throughout the Old Testament promise ‘A Savior is coming.’ 

God's Promise in His rainbow to Noah speaks of His judgment but His mercy as well.

God would raise up through Abraham a special people through which He would show the world His acts of faithfulness, blessing and salvation.

In the Mosaic Law God shows His ways for us to live together with Him and with each other. Even with God's near Presence we fail miserably, but God's Way offers forgiveness.

To David God Promised an anointed One, a King, Who would be a Savior - for Israel, and for all nations.

God fulfilled all the promises of His covenants that He made even when people did not. Typically, each covenant was ratified with the blood of a sacrifice which declared, 'if I don't uphold my end of the bargain, then may I be slain like this sacrifice.' The Messiah would be the ultimate fulfillment of God's promise of an acceptable Sacrifice. His sacrifice would satisfy judgement for the disobedience of each person of the human race ... His Way back to a relationship with God and establishing His rule for eternity.

For the kids            For teens


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