Week 3 - the Offices

  Before Jesus was born into this world, God was revealing His plan of salvation to all nations through His workings in and through the Jewish nation. As He worked with Israel as a nation, He worked with individuals, many of which occupied certain positions God had established. People in these positions – prophet, priest and king – ministered on behalf of the people of Israel and pointed to the One. The role of each office could only be truly accomplished by One, the coming Savior

 John the Baptist lived in Jesus' time and announced His coming ministry to the people of Israel. He was the last of the 'Old Testament' prophets. The people and the Jewish leaders expected a conquering king or a mighty prophet. John was one of the few who understood Messiah's role as a suffering Servant who would offer up the perfect Sacrifice of His Own body and blood paying the penalty for the disobedience of all people.  

"John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, 
'Look! The Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world!'"
John 1:29


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