The Mosaic Covenant

 Exposing our Need – God’s Promise through Moses 

After Moses had led the people out of Egypt they traveled through the desert to Mt. Sinai, and God spoke to Moses and told the people,

"Now if you will obey Me and keep My covenant, you will be My Own special treasure among all the peoples on earth; for all the earth belongs to Me. And you will be My kingdom of priests, My holy nation." 
Exodus 19:5, 6

This covenant, established around 1500BC, was dependent upon the Israelites obeying the Law that was then given (many laws, including the summary of these laws in the 10 commandments given in chapter 20 of Exodus). Not only did the Israelites fail to obey, but around 500 years later the psalmist, king David, writes, 

‘God looks down from heaven on the entire human race; He looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God. But no, all have turned away; all have become corrupt. 
No one does good, not a single one!’ 
Psalm 53

We all need a Savior! 

For the kids           For teens


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