The New Covenant (for teens)
150 years ago people only dreamed of flying! For thousands of years they watched birds and bugs and wondered. Then Isaac Newton figured out what the problem was – he described the law of gravity. Newton could figure out what kept humans earthbound, but he could only continue to dream of soaring in flight. Around 150 years later came the Wright brothers who flew at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.
The Mosaic Covenant with its conditional blessing showed us what the problem was – we could not fully obey God’s ways but were left with our own cursed ways. Like the law of aerodynamics that overpowers the law of gravity to set us free from earth’s bonds, so the New Covenant was given to us in Jesus to free us from the cause and effect of disobedience.
‘For the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the Law of sin and death.’
Romans 8:2
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