The Colorful Rainbow (for the kids)
Christmas is a colorful time, isn't it? With presents wrapped, glittering and tied with bows, green or flocked Christmas tress with their beautiful ornaments, and food ... lots of different foods - cranberries, green beans, braised turkey, pumpkin pie! Did you know that colors can represent different things?
Green - represents life,
Purple - represents royalty, like a king or queen might wear a purple robe,
Gold - may represent riches or power,
Red - like we see in candy-canes, represents Jesus' blood as He died on the cross
and White - represents purity as Jesus was perfect, without sin - that is, He never did anything wrong.
The Bible says that a rainbow first appeared as a Promise that God would never again destroy all the living on earth by flood. The colors of the rainbow remind us of Christmas and the Promise fulfilled in Jesus. When you see a candy-cane this season, think of Jesus and God's gift of forgiveness promised to us.
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