I AM (for teens)

  For many of us, friends are the most important thing in life … more important than family, more important than work or school, even more important that God. They are like a god to us – ruling our lives – and we would do anything to impress our friends or get more friends or certain friends that we think are cool or popular. But, friends often disappoint us, don’t they? Maybe they tease or they’re insensitive, or even betray us or use us or ditch us. 

 What would it be like to have a perfect friend? One who is always there for us, who loves us more than anyone could and has only our good in mind, who knows us better than we know ourselves and gives perfect advice and brings us the most happiness. What are we expecting from such a friend … that He’s God? Meet Jesus! 

 John, was called 'the beloved disciple' of Jesus and in this first chapter of his book he gives 15 Names and descriptions of Jesus along with 5 introductions as if to say, 'Meet Jesus!' 
See if you can find the 15 Names or descriptions of Jesus in John chapter 1. The first five are highlighted for you. vs 14-17 shows that 'the Word' in the first verse is referring to Jesus.

In John 15:13 Jesus said, 
"Greater love has no one than this,
that one lay down his life for his friends."


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